
Welcome  to my

life-coaching program.

 I believe in partnering with clients to embark on a thought-provoking and creative journey towards unlocking their full potential, both personally and professionally. My approach is centered around connecting individuals to their true nature and higher self, allowing them to delve deep within and unearth what truly matters and is unique to them.

Through our empowering coaching sessions, I guide clients to make their own discoveries and gain remarkable clarity about their aspirations, goals, and values. I understand that each person's path is distinct, and unique, and I am here to facilitate their exploration, encouraging them to step beyond their comfort zones and embrace their full capabilities. I want to help you shine from within!

My philosophy of life coaching is not just about providing guidance; it's about inspiring individuals to maximize their potential by tapping into their innate wisdom and intuition. I am not here to give you advice about what you should do. I believe that each individual holds this knowledge within themselves. I do believe in fostering an environment that encourages self-reflection and self-discovery, finding and dissolving limiting beliefs, and enabling my clients to gain profound insights and take meaningful actions in alignment with their authentic selves.

I would love to help you on your  transformative journey, where the merging of thought-provoking conversations and creative processes will lead you to harness the power within, connect with your higher self, and ultimately, realize the extraordinary life that awaits you!

Are you ready for a transformation? Are you ready for change?

Work With Me

My Philosophy

"Success is not a destination, but a continuous journey of growth."

Work with me

"Janine embodies neutrality and nonjudgment to create a safe space for her clients. Her wisdom, calming presence, and geuine caurisosity always help me to better see and understand the challenges I'm facing so I can work through them with kindness and compassion rather than fear and shame."

-Kate W.

"Over a lifetime you will meet a select few people that truly resonate with you. Janine is one of those people. Her counsel is always thorough and honest and her perspective enlightening. I am happy to call Janine my friend and will continue to rely upon her guidance whenever necessary."

- Darin Y.

"Janine has a warm and welcoming presence. In a gentle yet straightforward manner, she asks powerful questions which help me uncover where I have been getting in my own way. Janine has helped me with my professional and personal life. I am delighted to give Janine my highest recommendation! "

- Lauren B.

- LaurIe H

"Janine has an extremely caring and genuine way of connecting with people that makes it easy to share the challenges you are facing without fear of judgment or criticism. Due to this support. breakthroughs come faster and you feel universally supported."

-Keiley C.

" Janine is a positive shinning light who has held space for me without judgement during a difficult season of my life. She approaches every topic we discuss with kindness and empowers me as a woman to pursue my goals with the tools  I need to succeed. I always leave our time together feeling uplifted and energetically balanced. Her support is unmatched."

"Janine has such great energy. When you meet with her you immediately feel her calmness. She is approachable and an amazing listener. She is grounded and provides steps to help you to get wherever it is you are trying to go. I'm so appreciative of her time, her guidance, her patience & her wisdom. "

- Hannah Y.